We received 10 more nominations as a result of this mail.
Date: April 3, 2013
To: (OOPSLA'11 and OOPSLA'13 PC members)
Subject: Nominate a student to the OOPSLA Artifact Evaluation Committee
Dear OOPSLA'11 and OOPSLA'12 PC members,
We are writing to you as a recent past OOPSLA PC member, asking you to nominate a student or recent graduate for the OOPSLA 2013 Artifact Evaluation Committee. If you're able to suggest a name, we'd appreciate hearing from you soon (ideally by the end of this week).
We are creating an Artifact Evaluation Committee (AEC) for OOPSLA 2013. The purpose of this board is to slowly move our discipline towards repeatability and reproducibility of scientific results [1]. The idea was developed by Shriram Krishnamurthi and Carlo Ghezzi for ESEC/FSE'11 [2]. It has been designed to be as lightweight and unthreatening as possible, while still making an essential step in the right direction. Basically, we are going to let authors of *accepted* papers submit artifacts (code, data, proofs,...) to a committee whose role is to validate that artifacts are consistent with the paper, as complete as possible, well documented, and easy to reuse, facilitating further research. We will report the result of the validation effort at the conference. Very importantly: this is voluntary, it does not affect acceptance of the paper, and does not require sharing the artifact broadly (details of the rules are here [3]).
[1] http://www.cs.purdue.edu/homes/jv/pubs/r3.pdf
[2] http://www.cs.brown.edu/~sk/Memos/Conference-Artifact-Evaluation/
[3] http://splashcon.org/2013/cfp/due-june-01-2013/665-oopsla-artifacts
Following the example of ECOOP’13, we intend to populate the AEC with senior PhD students. This is for two reasons: to have people who are familiar with contemporary software tools and methods, and to get the next generation of researchers thinking about the artifact evaluation process.
We are contacting you, as research leaders, to each nominate one student or recent graduate. We would like candidates with established records in both publication and artifact creation. We expect you to mentor your students to be responsible citizens of the Committee. Essentially, please think of it as similar to nominating a student for a program committee.
Our goal is that the workload would be roughly three evaluations per committee member. To achieve this we think we need a board of around 24. The workload depends on how many artifacts are submitted, and of what nature. We will work hard to keep the work manageable. We will consider enlarging the board if it appears necessary.
Committee work will take place in the window from June 1 to July 29, 2013, with the work trailing off after July 20, so students should be available during this period.
If you wish to nominate someone:
* Please nominate only ONE person. Please make sure it's a relatively senior student or recent graduate who has experience both with publication and with artifacts (code, data, proofs,...). Reply to this email with the name of the student, one sentence stating why the student would be a good candidate for the Committee, and a pointer to their Web page, before April 7, 2013
* Please do ***NOT*** inform the candidate. We are contacting more research groups than we have slots; our goal is to gather all nominations, then find the group of students who give us the best coverage. Therefore, we cannot guarantee that your student will be put on the Committee. Please do not be offended if this happens -- hopefully you can understand our constraints!
We look forward to your nomination.
Matthias Hauswirth and Steve Blackburn
(OOPSLA'13 AEC co-chairs)