Date: June 28, 2013
To: (all 24 AEC members)
Subject: OOPSLA Artifact Reviewing: Requests to Authors
Dear AEC reviewers,
Thank you for your kicking-the-tires feedback. We have digested the comments and plan to take the following action. Please read the following, taking special care to note those papers that you are reviewing. If you disagree with our characterization, please respond to us ASAP (taking care NOT to cc the committee, so retain the confidentiality of the reviewing assignments). We plan to send this feedback to the authors on Monday.
Recall that the purpose of the kicking-the-tires phase was only to determine whether the artifact was reviewable, and if not, to identify questions that might help resolve any barriers to the artifact being reviewed. The purpose was _not_ to conduct a mini review or offer any critique of the artifact beyond the simple functional ones.
Below we list each artifact number, and our intended response.
Matthias and Steve
The reviewers have completed the kicking the tires phase of the review process and determined that your artifact is satisfactory. There is nothing more for you to do at this time. Thank you.
The reviewers have completed the kicking the tires phase of the review process. *ONE/TWO/THREE* of the reviewers had the following problem. We invite you to reply to us with any response you might have to this problem.