We established a one-way connection from the research paper evaluation process to the artifact evaluation process. Information could flow from the research paper evaluation process to the artifact evaluation process, but not the other way round (i.e., artifact evaluation could not affect paper acceptance).
Authors of research papers already had to submit limited AE-specific information when they submitted their research paper (via additions to the research paper submission form). PC members reviewing a research paper had to submit AE-specific information in their review (via additions to the research paper review form). Later, authors of research papers accepted in the first stage could submit their artifacts (via the artifact submission form), and AEC members could submit the reviews of the artifact (via the artifact review form).
OOSPA used CyberChair as their submission system. We asked Richard van de Stadt (who develops and operates CyberChair) to extend his system to support AE. He created a separate CyberChair instance, like the one for the PC, but for the AEC, and he copied data (such as authors, papers, AE-specific fields from paper reviews) from the PC instance to the AEC instance. Moreover, he downloaded artifacts from the URLs submitted by the authors and made the downloaded artifacts available to the AEC via CyberChair.