We received 6 more nominations as a result of this mail.
Date: March 26, 2013
To: (OOPSLA'13 PC members, OOPSLA'13 PC chair)
Subject: Re: Nominate a student to the OOPSLA Artifact Evaluation Committee
Dear OOPSLA PC Member,
In case you have not yet nominated a member for the Artifact Evaluation Committee (AEC), we would like to ask you to consider nominating one strong candidate (senior PhD student or post-doc with experience with publication and with artifacts).
For those of you who have already nominated someone, thank you very much for contributing strong nominations for OOPSLA's first AEC.
Now that the abstracts have been submitted, we know that out of 209 paper submissions, 30 probably and 49 definitely would lead to an artifact submission (if their paper was accepted). We currently estimate that we will end up with roughly 24 artifacts to evaluate.
To limit the workload of the individual AEC members, we would like to adjust the size of the AEC. We would like to limit the number of artifact evaluations for each AEC member to 3, and we would like to ensure that each artifact is evaluated by at least three AEC members. Thus, we aim for a committee with roughly 24 members.
We look forward to receiving your nomination before Friday.
Matthias Hauswirth and Steve Blackburn
(OOPSLA'13 AEC co-chairs)