Main focus is experimental evaluation studies and/or evaluation methodology

The "Forum for Negative Results" is a permanent special section of the Journal of Universal Computer Science (J.UCS), one of the oldest peer-reviewed electronic journals (started in 1994). Features:
- J.UCS is a high-quality, peer-reviewed, archival scientific journal, covering all areas of Computer Science, Information Systems, and Software Engineering.
- It is published monthly in electronic form by TU Graz (since January 2007 under an Open Access policy) and at the end of each year on paper (book plus CD-ROM) by Springer Verlag.
- J.UCS articles, once published, are guaranteed to remain unchanged. However, there are refereed annotations for providing updates by the author or comments by others.
- FNR is a regular part of J.UCS and enjoys all of its advantages.
- FNR publishes reports on high-quality, negative research results in all practial areas of Computer Science.