Evaluate 2012 - Schedule & Notes

Location: Conference Room #9 (same floor as the Crowne Ballroom, past the elevators)

Google Spreadsheet of CS 2013 Body of Knowledge - with evaluation topics highlighted

9:00 Introductions (everybody mentions their name and affiliation) Facilitator: Matthias
Note taker: Amer
Kick starter: Doug Lea
9:10 Doug Lea (Dan Grossman) gives a brief intro into CS2013
9:30 Q&A with Dan on how we could provide effective feedback on the CS2013 Draft
10:00 Coffee break
Participants write down short "WHAT to teach" phrases on post-its/flip chart
10:30 What? (what should be taught)
Input by kick-starter; phrases by participants; organize discussion as adding nodes (which are phrases), speaking to a node (adding or removing support), and forming connections between nodes.
[Facilitator will use stopwatch to restrict any discussion on a node to a couple of minutes]
Facilitator: Steve
Note taker: Matthias
Kick starter: David Bacon
12:00 Lunch break
Organizers improve/tease/summarize the graph of nodes, so we can use it in the HOW session
13:30 How? (how to convey those topics)
Starting with the phrases from the WHAT session.
[Facilitator will use stopwatch to restrict any discussions to a couple of minutes]
[Steve absent 13:30-13:55, 14:45-15:10]
Facilitator: Amer
Note taker: Peter
Kick starter: Mike Hind
15:00 Coffee break
15:30 Where? (where to go from here)
Define action items and assign responsibilities, produce comments for CS2013 effort (how to incorporate those topics in the curriculum, skills of a graduate).
Facilitator: Peter
Note taker: Steve
Kick starter: Laurie Hendren
17:00 Conclusion