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Buse, RPL, Sadowski C, Weimer W.  2011.  Benefits and Barriers of User Evaluation in Software Engineering Research. OOPSLA '11: Proceedings of the ACM international conference on Object oriented programming systems languages and applications. Abstract
Blackburn, SM, Garner R, Hoffmann C, Khang AM, McKinley KS, Bentzur R, Diwan A, Feinberg D, Frampton D, Guyer SZ et al..  2006.  The DaCapo benchmarks: java benchmarking development and analysis. OOPSLA '06: Proceedings of the 21st annual ACM SIGPLAN conference on Object-oriented programming systems, languages, and applications. :169–190. Abstract
Höst, M, Wohlin C, Thelin T.  2005.  Experimental context classification: incentives and experience of subjects. Proceedings of the 27th international conference on Software engineering. :470–478. Abstract
Wieringa, R, Heerkens H, Regnell B.  2009.  How to Write and Read a Scientific Evaluation Paper. Proceedings of the 2009 17th IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference, RE. :361–364. Abstract